
Showing posts from January, 2018

Climbing Post Production

Before we had even started production I knew I wanted to integrate a climbing system into my came. I knew this would be a big ask to do in the 6 weeks of projection so I decided to get some practice in and make a climbing system so I know what I'm doing when I make it for our project. I managed to get ledge hanging, pull up from hanging and wall running all finished. I purposely left other things out like shimmying along a wall and a grab clime thing, where you can ascend along a wall after hanging. You can see this in this video.

Progress Update

Today I have been playing with global setting. I did this because I wanted to set a dull mood in the game. We will also add to this by making the city really dense and crowded. I also want to develop this aspect of the game even more by "bring colour back". You can see the effect below. With the effect. Without the effect.

Day one week one

today we had to get some basics started so I began to make some models as can be seen below.

What is a game?

Well, let's start with the actual definition. According to Google, a game "is a form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules". Well, that's a little barebone so I went digging until I found a better definition of what a game is - “a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome.” This definition is from a paper that Ruben R. Puentedura wrote. His paper is very simple and uses a lot of visuals. Here's the citation. So lets set ourselves a criteria to fill to define a game. "A game is a system", this means that there is an organised method to which something is done, for example, kicking a ball into a net." which players engage in an ‘’ artificial conflict" Meaning the players have to try and overcome a made up conflict that's "defined by rules’’ which means there are restrictions on what a player can and cannot do.  "results in a quantifiabl...

First Experiences with games and gaming

This is honestly one of my clearest memories and I remember it fondly. I was around 5 or 6 and was coming home from school with my mum. When I got home in the kitchen there was an old tv to find my dad playing on a PlayStation 1. He was playing Crash Bandicoot 3 WARPED! Honestly, I never had seen a computer game at this point, so it's easy to say I was fascinated by it. I distinctly remember sitting down on one of these old horrible black and white striped kitchen chair, backwards, so I was resting my arms on the back of the chair like a gangsta from a movie, but not as cool or impressive. I'm sure everyone looks back extremely fondly of the first gaming expriences and remembers the little things, like how you sat. I didn't really remember a whole lot of the game (until I replayed it recently) but, I recall Coco (Crashes sister) riding a tiger on top of the great wall of China and running around. I then did the same around my house, often shouting quotes from the gam...


I have done Task 2a as can be seen below and Osborne has been making a video of a few building he had made to demonstrate what the world may look like. A kind of prototype if you will. That will be on his blog.

Project Schedule

Today I have made the project schedule for our project. I have gone into far more detail with the time and the things we will be doing. This is my own personal schedule so mine and Osborne's will be making his own. 

Playing around with audio and Foley

On Thursday we had a class project kind of thing where we all made some Foley sounds and manipulated them to make, for example, crinkling tin foil to sound like fire or rain. You can see below that I went into Audition and began to play around with the pitch of the sound and even added some reverb to try and get it to sound like a fire.  You can see the bits circled in red are the effect I have added and see how I am manipulating the sound. 

Height Map and Cloud Fliter

Today I have learned about height maps and how they can be used to make landscapes faster than just drawing them. You have to use a grey-scale file in Photoshop. After you have made the file with a black background you build up a landscape by changing the colour of the bush to a lighter colour. After you have finished it you would go to unreal and build the landscape and use the image file for the hight map and it should look like this after decreasing the scale on the z value. After this, I choose to make a hight map with the cloud filter. This made a  hight map that looked completely random and natural with a bit of tweaking.