First Experiences with games and gaming

This is honestly one of my clearest memories and I remember it fondly. I was around 5 or 6 and was coming home from school with my mum. When I got home in the kitchen there was an old tv to find my dad playing on a PlayStation 1. He was playing Crash Bandicoot 3 WARPED! Honestly, I never had seen a computer game at this point, so it's easy to say I was fascinated by it.
I distinctly remember sitting down on one of these old horrible black and white striped kitchen chair, backwards, so I was resting my arms on the back of the chair like a gangsta from a movie, but not as cool or impressive. I'm sure everyone looks back extremely fondly of the first gaming expriences and remembers the little things, like how you sat.
I didn't really remember a whole lot of the game (until I replayed it recently) but, I recall Coco (Crashes sister) riding a tiger on top of the great wall of China and running around. I then did the same around my house, often shouting quotes from the game. When Coco got hit, she made a sound that kinda but doesn't really sound like right? but I digress because I was six, I thought nothing of it and tried to make the sounds myself. This is so memorable to me and I have no idea why, now I'm looking back at it I laugh.
But after I played this I became obsessed with games, dad ending up giving me his ps1 and that Christmas I got a ps2. I was quite upset before that however as I lost crash bandicoot before I got the ps2 . I ended up playing loads of awesome games such as Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman 2 and of course, Rayman. All of these game have left a mark on me and has helped to shape me as a person.
It wasn't long before I was a gamer and fell in love with game culture. Playing Pokemon with friends and other awesome games. Games personally mean a lot to me to me and dad, us bonding over them.
Me and him would play crash bandicoot together for hours and we have also started to bond over crash again because of the instant trilogy being release. We stayed up at night and just played it, taking turns, having a laugh, it was great.
They have also have taught me quite a few life lessons, such as games like Battlefield and Rainbow 6 have shown me how to communicate with a team and become a leader. This hasn't only helped in in these games but in life, as I used to play rugby and these skill followed into that. where I was a fearless teammate who would run into somebody five times my size. Games like portal helped me develop my problem-solving skills. I think it is kinda obvious to how this has helped me throughout life.
games, especially video games, have really shaped my life and has made me the person I am today. Whether it's teaching me life skills or just having a good time, games have been there, helping me throughout life and for that I'm thankful, both to great publishers and to my dad, who first showed me them.
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