Unit 8: Making The Levels for my Climbing System.

Today my plan is to make an environment for the player to climb in and explore, it's not going to be massive but hopefully, it displays what my climbing system can do.

I will be doing this in a grey box because as I discovered today, soul city model pack isn't in the version of unreal that I am in. So I began with where I started a while ago now.

Unforcenetly the footage of me making the environment got corrupted and I can't get it back. I will record what I still have to do but here is a screenshot of what I have done.

Here is a video of me adding to it:

I'm very happy with the result and I showed a few of my peers and they gave me some feedback, for example, someone said that they " really liked the foreground stuff and that you should add on it". Due to this positive feedback, I added more foreground objects to help make the player blend into the environment. 


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