Unit 8: Evaluation of my Project.

My original aims for this project was far different from the final outcome. I was planning on working on the aesthetics and environment of the game as well as the sound and audio aspect of the project but, as I started to work on the models and audio I realised that I was really poor at it and my strengths are in programming.

For my research I did a few things, I read a few books, watched a few films and played through some games. But the thing that I felt myself thinking about the most was "how can I add uncertainty into my game?" and this was because of the book called "Uncertainty in games" (You can read about it in my blog about it here). It made me consider how the player would think about navigating the environment.

(Image shows the player contemplating whether or not they can make the jump.)

I'm quite proud of what I've actually achieved in this project, and that's partly due to my realisation that I can't make a fully-functioning game in 6 weeks. I'm also really happy with the mixture of the environment and the climbing system, its really fun to use and I've enjoyed running around the environment. But, due to the drastic changes I made, so that I could enjoy developing this project, it wasn't very similar to my ideal finished project, from the project proposal. But that's beside the point! I'm also proud with how smoothly the climbing system is now; it still has a few bugs that need fixing and maybe some more features like a volt but it's really good for the amount of time I put into it.

But that's not to say there are some things I'm disappointed with. For example, I wished I added more sounds and audio effects, like ambient noise, sound effects and music. I wish I had done this because it would help immerse the player even more into the world and make the environment feel that much bigger. I also wished I had done some more modelling to make my game feel more individual. It's funny really, my original aims for my projects are actually the things that I missed out doing!

During my productions stage, I think I worked rather effectively. I focused on my work mostly in college and did a little bit out of college. However, I did find myself getting a little distracted from time-to-time, but I always came back to my work.

I have realised a few things during this project, things about myself and my aims in game design. I have realized that I really love the coding side of game design. I realised this when I tried to model and create audio and didn't like or enjoy it. This makes me want to pursue this in the future as a career and to focus on in future projects.

My project has been a series of ups-and-downs, twist-and-turns. My project is drastically different from my original plan! From focusing on aesthetics and audio to loving programming and making something great with it, I now know I want to expand my knowledge with coding in the future.


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