Unit 8: Stopping the Wall-run Mid Animation (Part 1)

Today I also wanted to try and make the wall run animation stop as it gets to the top of a wall because at the moment it continues to play the animation.

So to fix this I got the function that I made the other day that detects if there is a ledge there, when it is active it should stop the wall-run however you can see in this video it doesn't work. I continued to try other things to get it to work but they were all futile.

Towards the end of my video, I found out that the node "montage stop" waits until the montage has actually ended, this means that I cant actually stop the animation until the end of the montage.

To fix this I plan to shorten the montage to one step and to make an interest to count up to a certain number and then stop the montage so that the player cant wall run forever.

I didn't finish this today, I will continue after the half term.


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