Unit 8: Production Day 1 and 2

Today I've started to integrate my climbing system from my second project into a side-scroller preset in unreal. Even though I thought this would be a simple enough task I was wrong.

I started with migrating the third person character blueprint from my last project (that has the climbing system in it) and adapting it to suit the side-scroller preset, e.g taking the Y movement away. This didn't take too long but and I did it within a few minutes. Then I went to test it and the problems began to start.

When I compiled the game it came back with errors, this was the end of the section too so I had to do it the next day.

Today I managed to get it working for the most part, however, for some reason I cant get it to play the animations. As you can see below In the video below. 
As you can also see, there is a problem with the code where it shoots my character across the room.


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