Unit 8: Uncertainty in Games

During this weekend on our class facebook page, one of my friends (thanks Damien) posted a link to a Humble-Bundle offer where they are selling a bunch of books about game theory. So I decided to take the plunge and get a few of them.

I decided to begin with Uncertainty in Games By Greg Costikyan. While reading through this he begins to take about why uncertainty in games is really imported to keep a player engaged. He explains that if we know everything about a game, we have no incentive to play it and we will stop playing it. He uses "tic-tac-toe" to help explain this. "No one over a certain age can play it with enjoyment, because no uncertainty about the games path exists." In other words, when you have exhausted a game contains, it's boring because we know everything there is to do in it. 

This got me thinking about my other projects, there was no content to the world other than the world itself. There was no world building. So in this project, I hope to add an essence of uncertainty about the characters background, never really explaining whether they are the good guys or bad. I'm planning on doing this through the world, e.g. wanted posters, police and gang members attacking them.



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