Aesthetics and Level Design.

Today and on Tuesday I have been working on the sprites for the rooms and designing the lost woods and how it works. The aesthetics are slowly turning into kind of an 8-bit game, with more bright colours slowly coming through as I realised the darker colours just made it look awful. But I believe that I can still make it a really fun Zelda like game. This is what level one and two look like at the moment. 
Level one:

I'm planning on making the background behind the crops brow to make a farmland look. you can also see that I've been playing around with particles, I added a smoke effect to the fire since last time. It spawns a little about it and lasts longer than the fire. 

Level two:
I did have a problem layering the trees, I overcame this by using the depth feature in game maker, I played around with the depth to make it look right. although now I look at this screenshot it looks more like a 16/32-bit game. This may be a bit distracting but I think I will be focusing on getting my game finished (to meet the criteria).


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