Pixel art in Photoshop

Today I have been working in Photoshop to make pixel art for sprites.
To do this I have used a few tools to add shape, tone, and texture.
To start with I had to make the file 32 by 32 PPI. I could have used any power of 2 as that is what the restitution go up in. (16, 32, 64, 128, 256)

After that, I started to make the shape using the pencil tool. I had to use the pencil too because it makes a hard line instated of clouring colouring and spreading to other pixels. After making the basic shape I use the pencil tool again to colouring in the lines and go over them. A finally I used the dodge and burn tool to add shading and texture to my artwork. I did have a few problems with finding the correct colour for the meat cleaver which as made it very poor and low quality.
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